Sometimes the best learning takes place when a group builds skills together. We can help you build capacity within a team, or partner with you to ensure a project takes an authentically participatory approach to developing policies or services.

Along the way, you’ll receive personalised guidance from an experienced co-design practitioner and educator. 

If you’re looking for support as an individual, check out our mentoring options.

Practical solutions

Get expert guidance on scoping and framing a project, developing engagement activities and adapting co-design approaches to specific contexts.

Organisational development

Learn how to embed co-design in organisations, manage resistance and barriers, and build organisational capacity.

Project support

Get expert real-time project guidance, including problem-solving specific challenges, adapting to changing circumstances and managing stakeholder expectations.

Participatory skills

Learn workshop design and facilitation techniques, and have your existing workshop and engagement plans and materials reviewed.

Enhanced capability

Build technical skills and methodological rigour, develop evaluation frameworks, documentation and synthesis methods.

What to expect

Our partnership starts with understanding your needs and context. It then typically includes:

  • Exploring your aspirations and options for growth, whether that's developing specific skills or creating conditions for co-design success in your organisation

  • Identifying practical strategies and techniques for facilitation, participant engagement, and evaluation

  • Reviewing your workshop plans and materials with constructive feedback

  • Answering your questions to build clarity and confidence in your approach

  • Creating a reflective practice to explore challenges, examine your role, and ensure ethical and sustainable practice.

  • “Emma's validation and support built confidence for us to step up and take greater risks with our practice... Emma's ability to create a safe space allows us to deeply commit to co-design with vulnerability to learn and apply new tools.”

    Laura Fairbrother and Amanda Martin, Education Strategy, Charles Darwin University

  • “I really benefitted from your insights regarding what might and might not work in this project. The resources that you sent through have been much appreciated because they allow me to ground our conversation in literature and provide me with something to share back with my team. I have learned new tools and techniques for facilitating Discovery and Ideation.”

    Shani Rajendra, Consultant, Clear Horizon

  • “I loved the way you created a container for this project and gave it form. Without you I would have felt really overwhelmed! I’ve really liked how you work with what you have in front of you, without a sense that things should be another way…. You’ve been really responsive and addressed everything I’ve been unsure about thoroughly.”

    Zenaida Beatson, Director and Designer, For Purpose

  • “Emma's mentoring met me where I was at in my learning, and our gently curious conversations helped me stay aligned with the principles of co-design while encouraging me to experiment with new techniques. Emma’s conceptual clarity, practical knowledge, and broad networks have been a brilliant resource for my co-design practice.”

    Emma Constantine, Head of Innovation & New Business, McAuley

Get started

Contact us to explore coaching options that meet your needs.
Sessions are available online, or in person in Melbourne.

Co-design coaching works best if you already have a foundational understanding and some experience in the field. If you’re new to design and innovation, you may benefit from beginning with training.